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Flower Power Rx™ by Dr. Tisa




LOVE is the origin of all emotions. Anything outside of that represents varying degrees of love or disappointment. When we seek to be balanced, in nature we will discover that there are so many remedies that can assist us in bringing back the true energy and frequency found in the satisfaction of loving oneself & the god in self. In our remedy, we seek to assist, through the powerful vibration found in flowers, the harmonic resonance that will assist you in your journey back to accepting your own & being yourself.


FLOWER EXTRACT Remedies, originally introduced to the modern world, by Dr. Bach, have proven to be an effective alternative to managing everyday stress and emotional upheavals. They help us to easily balance life's ups and downs through harmonizing the natural energies of the body with potentized flower & quartz extracts.


Flower Power Rx™ by Dr. Tisa Muhammad

Our Flower Power complexes are formulas of potentized natural tinctures made of hydrolats, wild plant extracts & infused with crystals. They are based in floral hydrolat and vegetable glycerin formulations for an emotional harmonic experience….


Ingredients: Love, Plant extracts, Hydrolat Blend, Rose Quartz, Glycerin & 27% Brandy Alcohol.

Flower Power Rx™ by Dr. Tisa

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